Amit Shah, attended the 20th Raising Day ceremony of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) as the Chief Guest in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. During the event, Shri Amit Shah inaugurated many projects and laid the foundation stones for other projects worth approximately Rs 220 crore. These include National South Campus of Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), the 10th Battalion of the NDRF, and the Regional Response Centre at Supaul Campus. The Home Minister also laid the foundation stone of the new 'Integrated Shooting Range' at the National Police Academy in Hyderabad and inaugurated the Regional Forensic Science Laboratory building in Tirupati. Several dignitaries were present on the occasion, including Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Shri N. Chandrababu Naidu, Union Minister of Civil Aviation Shri K. Rammohan Naidu, Union Minister of State for Home Shri Bandi Sanjay Kumar, Home Secretary Shri Govind Mohan, and NDRF Director General Shri Piyush Anand.