Dr. Jitendra Singh inaugurated India’s first-of-its-kind CSIR Mega "Innovation Complex" at Mumbai on 17th January through virtual mode and dedicated it to StartUps and Industry stakeholders.
The new Innovation Complex at Mumbai, inaugurated by the Science & Technology Minister, is a huge state-of-the-art set up spread over nine floors, equipped with 24 “ready-to-move” incubation labs in addition to furnished office and networking spaces for innovative StartUps, MSMEs, industry, and CSIR labs. The Mega facility will provide high-end scientific infrastructure, expertise, and regulatory support to stakeholders including CSIR labs, StartUps, MSMEs, and industry, for the SOP-driven studies necessary for regulatory submissions and compliance.
The Complex includes ready-to-move world-class incubation labs and IP/business development support for innovative start-ups, companies partnering with CSIR labs, MSMEs, deep-tech companies from India and abroad, public-funded research institutions, and CSIR labs.”
Catching up with the excitement of the audience, Dr. Jitendra Singh remarked, “This inauguration is just the beginning. We are excited about the future potential and the immense contributions this Innovation Complex will make to India’s growth story.”