Over 10 IAS officers have been given new assignments in Madhya Pradesh. Accordingly, Mohammed Suleman has been designated as Agriculture Production Commissioner, while S N Mishra was made ACS, Home & Transport and K C Gupta was made ACS, PWD and Parliamentary Affairs. Similarly, Sanjay Dubey has been appointed as Principal Secretary, Science & Technology; Aniruddh Mukherjee as OSD, MP Bhawan, New Delhi; Mrs Deepali Rastogi as Principal Secretary, Panchayat and Rural Development; D P Ahuja as Principal Secretary, Fisheries, AYUSH; Vivek Kumar Porwal as Principal Secretary, Revenue & Relief Commissioner; Sandeep Yadav as Principal Secretary as PHE and Health Education, Gas Tragedy Relief, NRI Department; Commissioner Health Services and Commissioner, Food Security and Dr Sudam Pandharinath Khade was made Secretary & Commissioner, Public Relations and MD, Madhyam.